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Surface Treatment Immersion Vessels

Immersion tanks are used to dip and coat the object to be painted in a wet paint tank diluted to the application viscosity. It is a painting method used to paint the entire surface of the parts. By adjusting the paint fluidity and object exit speed, it ensures that the paint thickness distribution in the vertical direction on the object to be painted is homogeneous. It is usually made of metal or stainless steel. There is also a pump that transfers the paint from the tank to the part.

Surface Treatment Immersion Vessels

General Features

Immersion boilers are a form of pre-treatment generally used in places where production capacities are not very high and installation space is limited. This system can be robotically controlled or can work with a crane system installed on the ceiling. After the process bath sequence is determined by the chemical supply company according to the salt test resistance expected from the products, the appropriate stainless quality materials are selected and the baths, pump-heat exchanger groups and their installations are manufactured.

Equipment Features
  • Fully penetrate the surface by immersion application.
  • Stainless internal surfaces and insulated tanks.
  • Piping made entirely of stainless materials.
  • Custom programming
  • Measures the water quality in the rinse tank.
  • Easy filtering units are available.
  • They are high quality stainless products.
Technicial Specifications
  • Management from the control panel
  • Maintenance-free transport robot with servo motor
  • Contains mechanical mixers
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