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Tunnel Type Web Conveyor Oven

The tunnel type web conveyor oven is an oven that ensures that products are baked evenly as they move on a conveyor belt. Since the loading and unloading process is done by conveyor, the baking process can be done more quickly and thus provides the opportunity to work at high capacities. It is suitable for continuous dyeing situations and allows baking or drying without the need to stop the facility. Since it can be produced in desired sizes, models suitable for operating conditions can be prepared.

Tunnel Type Web Conveyor Oven

General Features

The material suspended on the conveyor enters the oven from one surface and exits from the same surface. Since they can be made with lower volume, they save energy in heating. Oven dimensions and capacity vary depending on the size of the piece to be painted and the paint baking or drying time. It is used for drying wet paint, baking powder paint and drying after washing. It provides a homogeneous heat distribution by passing through the parts and dries the paint coatings perfectly.

Equipment Features
  • Conveyor belt allows products to move inside the oven.
  • The heating system ensures an even temperature inside the oven.
  • Fan system provides air flow inside the oven.
  • The exhaust system is used to remove harmful gases coming out of the oven.
  • The control system is used to control the temperature, humidity and other parameters of the oven.
Equipment Features
  • Conveyor belt allows products to move inside the oven.
  • The heating system ensures an even temperature inside the oven.
  • Fan system provides air flow inside the oven.
  • The exhaust system is used to remove harmful gases coming out of the oven.
  • The control system is used to control the temperature, humidity and other parameters of the oven.
  • It is ensured that the products are cooked evenly.
  • High production capacity is available.
  • Can be automated.
  • Requires low maintenance.
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